Use KNIT to set up private or public class websites and discussion forums. These virtual spaces can be used to facilitate online discussion, networked collaboration, multimodal pedagogy, and public humanities course projects.
KNIT websites are created through WordPress blogging templates. They are customizable (with themes, widgets, plugins, and layout) and are great for facilitating public or private online discussion and creating public humanities projects. For an example of a public humanities course project, see the Race and Oral History Project KNIT website.
KNIT groups are standardized spaces that facilitate discussion forums as well as permissions to KNIT websites. For an example of a KNIT group, see the Digital Humanities Research Group and its discussion forum. Please note the Digital Humanities Research Group is not connected to a course, but provides an example of what KNIT groups look like. KNIT groups are recommended for setting up private online course discussion with “reply by email” functionality.
To set up a KNIT website:
- Please note all KNIT websites require setting up a KNIT group. This will allow you to grant students permission to post to your website. (You can then choose whether to use the group forum with the KNIT site or ignore it).
- To set up a group:
- Navigate to the KNIT’s “Groups” page and click the yellow button “Create a Group.”
- Follow the steps. When you come to the section entitled “Group Blog” make sure to click “Enable group blog.” In this section, you can choose to connect your group with an already-existing website on KNIT or you can create a new website on KNIT. Copy and paste the URL of your website for returning to later.
- Make sure to also click “Enable member blog posting.” The default permission settings are recommended.
- Please note, the “invite members” option is not recommended. Instructions for inviting students to groups and sites is detailed below.
- Finish the steps for setting up the Group. (For extended instructions on setting up a group, see this Group Help Page.)
- To create your website, navigate to your website URL. (You can also find your KNIT websites by hovering your cursor over the “My sites” icon in the top left of the window.)
- You can keep default settings of your KNIT website or customize it by hovering your cursor over the “home icon” in the top left of the window and clicking on “Dashboard.” For detailed instructions about setting up KNIT sites, see the help page on Creating KNIT Websites. There are also many resources on building WordPress websites online, so google around if you have trouble. Or email KNIT support at
To set up a KNIT group:
- KNIT groups do not require using KNIT websites. They are recommended for facilitating private class discussions. (They can be public though if you prefer.)
- To set up a group, navigate to the KNIT’s “Groups” page and click the yellow button “Create a Group.”
- Follow the steps. (For extended instructions on setting up a group, see this Group Help Page.)
- Determine whether the group is public or private. If private, you will have to approve membership of each student.
- Please note, the “invite members” option is not recommended. Instructions for inviting students to groups and sites is detailed below.
To invite students to a KNIT group or site
- Inviting students to groups or sites use the same steps.
- Find the URL of your group (if you created KNIT website, you should have still created a connected group). It should be “”
- Send an email to your students with the following instructions (revising for your specifics):
- Log into KNIT using your Active Directory credentials. Please note that your login name is not your entire UCSD email address, but only the first part: “”
- Navigate to our group page,
- Click the button “request to join”. When the instructor approves your request, you will have access to post to the KNIT group or site. Please note that sites have a different URL than your group: “”
- If the group is private, you will have to manually approve each request. We recommend approving these in batches (rather than individually as they come in).
For any questions please see the KNIT FAQ or if you have feature requests, please email KNIT support at .