ALBERT DANIEL replied to the topic Week 9 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
This week’s photographs are showing the two sides of the marriage inequality/discrimination debate. First is a photograph of Richard and Mildred Loving, the petitioners in the Supreme Court case; Loving v. Virginia (1967) which found laws banning the marriage between different races (in this base Black/White) to be unconstitutional. These were…[Read more]
ALBERT DANIEL replied to the topic Week 8 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
This weeks discussion regarding the creation of illegality as it relates to immigration brought to my mind the differences in entrance to the United States for European versus North American immigrants.
The first photo is a family arriving at Ellis Island. There is no way to minimize what it took to endure a trans-atlantic voyage in the 1920’s in…[Read more]
ALBERT DANIEL replied to the topic Week 7 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
Anti-immigration or “anti” anything in American parlance comes down to being “anti” color. Any person or ethnicity that is not considered white is undesirable and subject to intolerance, violence and economic exploitation. I see the vilification of Latino immigrants as an extension of the dehumanization Blacks were subject to during and after…[Read more]
ALBERT DANIEL replied to the topic Week 6 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
For contrast I am posting a photo of the military prison in Iraq; Abu Ghraib (dogs being used to intimidate prisoners) and a photo taken during the US civil rights movement of dogs being used in a similar/different manner.
The use of dogs speaks to the dehumanization the perpetrator (the State) is foisting upon the victim (POW, citizen). As…[Read more]
ALBERT DANIEL replied to the topic Week 6 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
For contrast I am posting a photo of the military prison in Iraq; Abu Ghraib (dogs being used to intimidate prisoners) and a photo taken during the US civil rights movement of dogs being used in a similar/different manner.
The use of dogs speaks to the dehumanization the perpetrator (the State) is foisting upon the victim (POW, citizen). As…[Read more]
ALBERT DANIEL replied to the topic Week 5 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
In response to this weeks discussion regarding the internment of Japanese-American’s during WWII, I would like to juxtapose four photographs.
In comparison we have a photo of a slave family (circa 1862) and a Japanese family. We then have photographs of former slaves and Fred Koramatsu.
Only for purposes of comparison and not to infer the r…[Read more]
ALBERT DANIEL replied to the topic Week 4 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
The first photo is a composite of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin. We read letters/speeches from all three this past week. All expressed a profound love for their people (Black) but viewed the “negro” problem from different perspectives and vantage…[Read more]
ALBERT DANIEL changed their profile picture 6 years, 5 months ago
ALBERT DANIEL replied to the topic Week 2 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 5 months ago
Theme: Civil Rights Today
As alluded to by Michelle Alexander in asking the question; where have all the black men gone? The attached photograph is of a chain gang of prisoners (predominately Black) from Angola Prison, LA. Due to mass incarceration, the communities from which these prisoners come from are not receiving the benefits their l…[Read more]
ALBERT DANIEL joined the group
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 5 months ago