Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 9 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
This week I chose an image of people participating in a “won’t be erased” protest and fighting for Trans rights. A few months ago, the Trump administration revealed that they would ignorantly define gender as only male and female. This would erase the existence of transgender and any non-binary folks. I loved the signs in this image and how…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 8 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
The image I chose shows 19 Indigenous people holding up a sign that reads “PROTECTORS” in glowing letters. They are fighting against federal and state charges by protecting their land and community. That is why they don’t call themselves protesters, because they are simply protecting what already belongs to them. In class we also talked about how…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 7 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
This week I chose an image of Children protesting in Flint, Michigan because of how impactful it is. At this age I wasn’t protesting; although I worried about my parents getting deported I was privileged enough to be playing outside. My life never lacked clean water and the fact that the government is doing such a bad job advocating for the lives…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 6 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
The image I chose was taken during Hurricane Katrina. It shows a group of African-American individuals on the floor and surrounded by armed Texas wardens. The men stole a mail truck so they could escape their flooded neighborhoods in New Orleans. This picture infuriated me because in the corner one of the Texas Game Wardens is pointing their gun…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 5 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
This is photo of a sign that reads “no dogs, negroes, mexicans”, it was put up by The Lonestar Restaurant in Dallas. They were put up to keep away and discriminate against Mexicans and African Americans when the Jim Crow laws were in place. Use of signs like this was, and still is hazardous because it panted racist and problematic ideologies in…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 4 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
This week I chose a collage of images taken at protests from the 1960s. The African American community was fighting for their rights and desegregation towards the end of the Jim Crow era. The Black community signs read “don’t treat our children like prisoners”, “desegregate now”, and “we protest school segregation”. It reminded me of how our…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 3 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
This week I chose a collage of images taken at protests from the 1960s. The African American community was fighting for their rights and desegregation towards the end of the Jim Crow era. The Black community signs read “don’t treat our children like prisoners”, “desegregate now”, and “we protest school segregation”. It reminded me of how our…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 3 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
This image shows a sign that reads “We want white tenants in our white neighborhoods” and I chose it because although signs like this may not be up anymore the actions of people ensure that neighborhoods are segregated. It reminded me of how my Salvadorian aunt and African American uncle moved into a neighborhood in a more rural area and would get…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval replied to the topic Week 2 photo share in the forum
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 5 months ago
In this image a child is addressing how his community is affected by toxins like asbestos and lead which makes the living conditions hazardous and puts their health in danger. His sign says “this would not happen in the Gold Coast” which is referring to the cultural biases that occurs in Black/Brown neighborhoods compared to white neighborhoods. I…[Read more]
Crystal Sandoval joined the group
Environmental Racism (Fall 2018) 6 years, 5 months ago