Helen Castellon replied to the topic Week 8 photo share in the forum
Organic Social Movements (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
<p style=”text-align: right;”>This week’s topic related to the concept of “white feminism”, in which white stars push for a very superficial kind of feminism and get praised. While marginalized women’s efforts are widely ignored. This occurrence is seen in many instances, such as: POC women being discredited in civil rights movements, POC women b…[Read more]
Helen Castellon replied to the topic Week 7 photo share in the forum
Organic Social Movements (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
I ran across this photo on my twitter feed, so I am unaware of a specific source. Otherwise this is a photograph of three young men holding t-shirts saying “All lives can’t matter until Black lives matter”. This really resonates with me; I personally believe that the BLM group gets constantly mislabeled as discriminatory only because lack of under…[Read more]
Helen Castellon replied to the topic Week 6 photo share in the forum
Organic Social Movements (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
This week I chose a photo from the Mexican Student Massacre on October 2, 1968. As student protests erupted throughout the world, students of UNAM rose against the PRI regime in solidarity with low-paid workers. Though the students attempted a peaceful demonstration, the protest erupted, thousands were arrested and some students were murdered by…[Read more]
Helen Castellon replied to the topic Week 4 photo share in the forum
Organic Social Movements (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
This week I chose to spotlight rapper Kendrick Lamar. In my opinion, one of the most efficient ways of protest is through art and media. Through music, a message is able to be spread to audiences that not might be aware of social issues otherwise. Kendrick Lamar has been speaking about racial issues he has experienced growing up in LA as a Black…[Read more]
Helen Castellon replied to the topic Week 3 photo share in the forum
Organic Social Movements (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
This week I decided to focus on Maya Angelou. I believe she is a great example when it comes to looking at the different layers of issues she advocated for. She had been abused as a child and went mute for a few years of her life, then she discovered her love for reading and listening. As she grew older she graduated school and had a child. She…[Read more]
Helen Castellon replied to the topic Week 2 photo share in the forum
Organic Social Movements (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
The photograph I have chosen is one of a civil rights protest. From my perspective, the image resonates with the sentiments of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. when they spoke about the Vietnam war. Marginalized groups were being conscripted and forced to die for “democracy” in another country, all while in America many of these soldiers did…[Read more]
Helen Castellon joined the group
Organic Social Movements (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago