Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 9 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
For this weeks theme I chose a excerpt of lyrics from the song Chains by Usher. I first heard this song when watching the documentary 13th, and I felt like it really showed how people have been experiencing and fighting against these forms of segregation before larger society was seriously talking about it. The movie 13th is all about segregation…[Read more]
Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 8 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
For this weeks topic I chose an image from the movie Get Out. I think that this movie really represents the ideas of white space in an albeit extreme but effective way. The movie is all about black men and women being used by white people in the most extreme way possible, the taking of their bodies. While I believe this speaks heavily to ideas of…[Read more]
Judah Coker joined the group
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 7 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
For this weeks photo share I chose an image of members of the Miwok tribe which is the tribe that originates from what is now Yosemite National Park. I wanted to do more research about Yosemite specifically because I have spent time there and while I very much enjoy the park I also was not conscious of the history. Living on indigenous land is an…[Read more]
Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 7 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
For this weeks photo share I chose an image of members of the Miwok tribe which is the tribe that originates from what is now Yosemite National Park. I wanted to do more research about Yosemite specifically because I have spent time there and while I very much enjoy the park I also was not conscious of the history. Living on indigenous land is an…[Read more]
Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 6 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
For this weeks topic I chose a photo of an inmate helping fight the wildfires in California that took place last year. Inmates that participate in this program are paid $2 a day and when brought out for active service, $1 an hour. To me this speaks to the fact that the prison system is being used as a way to oppress and use those incarcerated to…[Read more]
Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 5 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
When researching about modern day school segregation I came across this image/article which detailed the ways in which charter schools often reflect the most extreme levels of school segregation in comparison to public schools or even private schools. As shown by the image, a large percentage of charter schools in suburban areas are 99% white.…[Read more]
Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 4 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
I have chosen an image of a ghetto in South Chicago. I chose Chicago specifically because in “The Case for Reparations” Coates describes the experiences of a black tenant in North Lawndale, which is a neighborhood highly segregated in Chicago. Coates describes the experiences of this man who had moved to the city on hopes of more opportunities but…[Read more]
Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 3 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
For this weeks theme: segregation, I chose an image which represents the housing segregation that still exists to this day as a consequence of tactics like redlining and restrictive covenants. These tactics effectively kept black and brown neighborhoods segregated from white neighborhoods, while simultaneously ensured the poorest conditions for…[Read more]
Judah Coker replied to the topic Week 2 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
For this weeks theme, theorizing race and space, I chose an image which demonstrates the systematic and legal exclusion of certain communities based on racist ideologies of pure and homogeneous space. When talking about things like restrictive covenants in class, it is important to keep in mind how those things contribute to not only racist…[Read more]
Judah Coker joined the group
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago