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December 2, 2018 at 10:55 pm #2934
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantFor this weeks photo share, I decided to talk about how white people, men in particular, have always felt in America they have the right to do whatever they choose to do which includes trespassing. In my High School’s DREAM Club, our focus was gaining money for the Crazy Horse memorial. We learned about the Crazy Horse Memorial and how a hundred years ago, there was a treaty between the Lakota people and the US government stating that the land belonged to the Lakota but of course, those treaties do not tend to last long and as history shows, the US government always falls back on their word and treaties. This land, The Black Hills, which is located in South Dakota was giving to the Natives but then taken away through war by the US government. Since then, the land has been restored to the Natives and they have been trying since the 1940s to build a monument in honor of Crazy horse who was a warrior for their people during times of war. I also want to point out how its located within 15 miles of Mount Rushmore and at the time of its original plan, 1946, they asked the sculptor who did Mount Rushmore to put their hero Crazy Horse on Mount Rushmore because he was a real hero and deserved to be placed on sacred land but got no response. However, for the white man, the sculptor agreed and completed Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monument along with museum is still under construction and will be for quite sometime.
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November 25, 2018 at 10:43 pm #2752
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantAs we all know, the trouble with the DAPL and all of the controversy that came with the announcement of the DAPL was broadcast all around the world but know one has done much talking about it since. The biggest issue with building the pipeline was the fact that it would be built on Native land and with no regard for the health of the individuals occupying the land around the pipeline. As of today, the pipeline has posed no threat to the safety of the individuals and has been operating very smoothly. This is great news but we still have to look at the fact the government didnt and still doesnt take into account the people occupying the land. This needs to be the topic of discussion within groups and the government.
Source: (Photo by Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) /
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Lanaya Lyles. Reason: Fix picture
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November 18, 2018 at 9:09 pm #2593
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantThis picture shows the pipes that are currently in Flint and this shows how the water quality is still bad. They will not change the pipes or put much acknowledgement into the water quality. The pipes are so bad that the water is being contaminated with lead and many other chemicals that should not be consumed by Humans. The limited amount of efforts by the government to fix these problems just shows how little they care about the people that are in Flint going through these problems. It is sad to see little effort being done for small children who are forced to drink this water and it is also bad that they are forcing these people to buy bottled water and most of these individuals do not make enough every paycheck to pay all of their bills. This consistent problem shows the current state of our government and the little amount of compassion there is.
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November 11, 2018 at 5:10 pm #2402
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantThe picture that I have chosen to use for this week is a picture of a grave site in Puerto Rico. The man who’s grave site this is died due to not being able to get dialysis because of power outages due to Hurricane Maria. This is just one of the many people who suffered due to the results of the hurricane. The many people within Puerto Rico who were affected by the hurricane had very limited resources and the government was not making any efforts to help. There was limited help and consideration from the government that the many Puerto Ricans could only depend on themselves and one another to get through the hardships that they faced.
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November 4, 2018 at 6:48 pm #2254
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantI chose this photo to use because it showcases the percentages how effective they or are not making efforts to change police brutality within communities. The need to have to create ways to get police officers better informed and to help them understand their racial biases is a great idea but its sad that in 2018 this is still an issue. In terms of segregation, in areas that are extremely segregated have high rates of police action and patrol. Within these areas, these police officers are extremely biased and are typically picking on the minorities within these communities and acting as if they are threats to society when they aren’t.
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Lanaya Lyles.
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October 28, 2018 at 11:20 am #2040
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantThe photo I chose to use is a great depiction of the turmoil during the 1950s and 1960s. There was a lot of hatred and ignorance during this time with many whites against minorities such as asians, blacks, jews, mexicans, etc. They were not treated fairly during these times and there was a lot of segregation that occurred. Businesses, schools, government buildings, buses, etc., would have signs up that would be very upfront about who they do and dont serve. Usually, it would say whites only or they would have a whites only and blacks only section. Typically, the white sections would be nice whilst the blacks would be far from nice and barely suitable for a human being. This photo is also amusing to me because during this time, whites would use the bible to justify their means and usually they were wrong. The verse the lady is referring to has a completely different connotation than what she has written on her poster. Segregation was not a honorable time in American history but it wasnt the only event in our history that us disgraceful.
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October 21, 2018 at 5:57 pm #1894
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantThis graph showcases how as years progress, schools are becoming more and more segregated. This is due to many factors such as where these schools are located, what students live in the area and where the students can afford to attend these schools (transportation, lunch, etc). It shows that schools that are high poverty stricken is where majority of the black and hispanic students attend whereas the low poverty stricken schools is where white is the majority. Today, many wouldnt see this as direct segregation because its “2018” or due to no explicit “whites only” sign but, it is a systematic form of racism. These students of low income do not have access and do not have the means to attend the same schools as the students who arent low income but no school system is trying to change that nor is the government system. They dont mind keeping the poor kids in the poor and the rich kids in the wealthy areas. This way of education keeps barriers between groups of people and creates stigmas that shape the individuals of that area and instill unconscious biases amongst them.
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October 21, 2018 at 5:32 pm #1887
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantThis graph that I chose shows the percentage of white to black students within southern schools together since the brown vs education case that got rid of segregated schools. As you can see, the number of black students that attend a school that has at least 50% of white students has decreased and is slowly making its way back to the amount of when segregation was eliminated. This number is not shocking due to the knowledge of where predominately white schools are located vs where students of color tend to live. Students of color do not live within the same areas that the white students live thus them sharing schools together becomes pretty uncommon. Students of color tend to attend schools with one another in lower income, “not as suburban”, areas and their schools arent as nice and dont usually give them a lot of resources and educational tools as at a white school. We think as a country that racism and segregation is no more because it isnt explicitly shown or it isnt law anymore, but it still exists and presents itself in forms that dont make people question.
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Lanaya Lyles.
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October 14, 2018 at 3:41 pm #1668
Lanaya Lyles
ParticipantThe photo that I chose to use is a simple yet very enticing photo that shows a bit of the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in Puerto Rico. To date, many Puerto Ricans are still without power, without food, without a home to go to and so much more. However, the Trump administration feels as if they have helped the victims the best they could. This type of political move shows how important power is within the government. Due to Puerto Rico being an impoverished country, aid is not being thrown at their feet as it would if it was a state within the Americas. Also due to Trumps current stance on immigrants and people of color, pushing for help is something that is not happening at an accelerated pace. These people are not receiving the care they need due to injustices and instilled racism within the system.
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
Lanaya Lyles.
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