• LINNEA ZEINER and Profile picture of Scott McavoyScott Mcavoy are now friends 7 years ago

    • Hey! Welcome!
      I’ve been wondering how Love’s Digital Scholarship Center is going, I saw there was a workshop series, is the space/services still in planning or is everything up?

      • Hi Scott! Such a belated reply here…my apologies! Thanks for showing us around the lab last week. Things are going really good at SDSU. The Digital Humanities Center “officially” opens next week. I’ve already snuck one of my classes in there. Our VITal stuff (immersive learning) is really getting some traction and we just had a big symposium with 23 CSUs and then folks from the industry as well. How are things going for you?

        • Ok. We were planning a new Digital Scholarship Center, but that’s dead in the water. Still highering a Digital Scholarship Librarian (Erin is applying for that). Lots of cool projects. I’ll have to pop in over there sometime soon. I’ve loved what I’ve seen in the pictures.