NOREEN POPAL posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly edited the blog post Week 10 responses in the group Ethnic Diversity and the City: Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s r […] ViewIn the film, “Do the right thing” by Spike Lee, the themes of gentrification and racism is prevalent all through the scenes. Although this community in Boston is relatively peaceful and all its residents are united by their common economic status, each distinguishable race still holds prejudice towards on another. This prejudice is illustrated thr…[Read more]
NOREEN POPAL commented on the post, Week 9 responses, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewIn this week’s readings we discussed refugees in America including their economic and social impact upon the host society. Initially, the increase of immigrant or refugee intake causes apprehension and worry for many who have innate stereotypes or misconceptions of them prior to understanding the facts or personally encountering a…[Read more]
NOREEN POPAL posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly edited the blog post Week 8 responses in the group Ethnic Diversity and the City: Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some g […] ViewThis weeks topic was immigration and sanctuary cities set up to protect undocumented immigrants from federal deportation. In the article, “How Sanctuary Cities Can Protect Undocumented Immigrants from ICE Data Mining,” the author, Ali Winston, describes the threatening affects of federal bureaucracies like ICE towards illegal immigrants. Alt…[Read more]
NOREEN POPAL commented on the post, Week 7 responses, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThis weeks readings focused on immigration patterns in America and analyzed the effects of racism on immigration legislatures. During the beginning of American history the primary people discriminated against were Catholics so the immigration of Irishmen and Scotsmen were discouraged. Later in the late 19th century and early 20th century people…[Read more]
NOREEN POPAL commented on the post, Week 4 responses, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewThis weeks articles highlights how gentrification and spatialization can lead the social devastation of minorities in urban cities. Once a city is gentrified and “elevated” towards middle class standards the history of hardship, resilience and transcending exploitation is erased through strategic city planning and evictions. For example, in the…[Read more]
NOREEN POPAL commented on the post, Week 3 responses, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly wrote a new post on the site Ethnic Diversity in the City Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some guidelines for f […] ViewIn the article, “How Segregation Defined San Diego’s Neighborhoods – Voice of San Diego,” author Adrian Florido highlights the historic pattern of racial boundaries and redlining that persists even today. In the article, black newcomers moved into San Diego with the hopes of leaving the racist practices conducted in the East and South of America…[Read more]
NOREEN POPAL posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly edited the blog post Week 2 responses in the group Ethnic Diversity and the City: Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some g […] ViewThis week’s article demonstrated how prevalent the legacy of slavery and segregation remains today. The article highlights the deliberate and political strategies used to marginalize African Americans into ghettos where their economic and social opportunities are limited especially after the Great Migration in which a great number of African…[Read more]
Nadeen Kharputly are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago
NOREEN POPAL posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
In reply to: Nadeen Kharputly edited the blog post Week 1 responses in the group Ethnic Diversity and the City: Hi everyone, Please reply to this thread with your responses (150-300 words) to this week’s readings. Some g […] ViewThis week’s readings highlights our class themes of unequal city developments concerning the white populations and minorities along with the racialization of space. The readings have a similar universal plea for change in infastrucre but differ in their plans to fix such physical and social boundaries between the wealthy or white groups and the p…[Read more]