TYRAH SAUER replied to the topic Week 9 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
Hip hop grew from America’s war on drugs in the 20th century. Many artists used this genre to speak out against the oppression held again the black community, and often incorporated their feelings into their music. One well known artist who did this was KRS one and his song “sound of the police.” He used this song to speak out against the growi…[Read more]
TYRAH SAUER replied to the topic Week 8 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
In this weeks theme of white space, I chose an image picturing Mrs. Pat Brown. Recently, she created a group called “White Women Yoga” for women of white background to meetup and have their own group excluded of other races. This group was created in retaliation of other race only groups, specifically targeting another yoga group called “yo…[Read more]
TYRAH SAUER replied to the topic Week 7 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
During the Jim Crow era there were many laws implemented to further the divide between African Americans and white people. One might think that national parks would be excluded from this segregation, but in fact they were as much as a part. Culturally, white people have been known to visit national parks more often than African Americans. This is…[Read more]
TYRAH SAUER replied to the topic Week 6 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years ago
In regards to this weeks theme about incarceration, I’ve found a image displaying facts about marijuana arrests among black, Hispanic, and white people. I believe that the true issue in influx of minorities being incarcerated lies not within the prisons themselves, but the courts. The war on drugs has turned from keeping a drug free society into a…[Read more]
TYRAH SAUER replied to the topic Week 5 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
In regards to school resided segregation, a 1st grade African American boy, Jonathan brown, was recently subjected to an in-school suspension for not following Spring Valley Elementary School’s dress code policy. This policy states that no male student may have his hair longer than the bottom of his ears. When his mother sent him to school af…[Read more]
TYRAH SAUER replied to the topic Week 4 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
Black suffrage was legalized by the 15th amendment in the 1870s. However, despite the amendment, this right was disenfranchised to African Americans through systematic racism. This was implemented through literacy tests throughout the Jim Crow era. This racist tactic was formally implemented in the 1890s to exclude African Americans from one of…[Read more]
TYRAH SAUER replied to the topic Week 3 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
Despite the illegalization of laws that directly implemented racist tactics to fuel segregation, a clear line between races is still very much apparent today. The image attached is a graph the the white to black student ratios in various high school with one specifically standing out as the most segregated: Peoria county. Peoria county experiences…[Read more]
TYRAH SAUER replied to the topic Week 2 photo share in the forum
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago
In correspondence to this weeks theme, I’ve chosen a one of the many picture that result from a google search of ‘suburb family’. The reason why I chose this is because of the lack of diversity that results from this search. Upon the images that appear, rarely any of them contain people of color. This is because the opportunity to live in these…[Read more]
TYRAH SAUER joined the group
Race, Space, and Segregation (Winter 2019) 6 years, 1 month ago