Tiara Hawkins replied to the topic Week 9 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
This photo shows several affiliates of University of Michigan-Dearborn holding up signs for National Coming Out Day in 2012. Their mission was to spread awareness of the struggles that many members of the LGBT community face. As the photo illustrates, social isolation and even suicide are not uncommon among this community. Regarding our discussion…[Read more]
Tiara Hawkins replied to the topic Week 8 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
This photo shows a protest in NYC against Trump’s immigration policy. The article describes how the ICE raids that occurred in early 2017 were supposed to only target criminals; however, it soon became clear that ICE was seeking out all immigrants regardless of a criminal record or not. Trump’s executive order also took away funds for sanctuary…[Read more]
Tiara Hawkins replied to the topic Week 7 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 3 months ago
The photo I chose shows farmworkers on the job. I chose this picture because occupations such as these, often referred to as “blue-collar jobs” are often taken up by immigrants who are willing to do the back-breaking work. In class, many of us voiced the opinion that it is ridiculous that so many people in our country feel that immigrants are…[Read more]
Tiara Hawkins replied to the topic Week 6 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
This comic shows the hypocrisy of USA and Europe when they claim that “the problem with Islam is intolerance” when in reality these two regions discriminate against Muslims in many ways. The article mentions that over 50% of Americans believe that the values of Islam are in opposition to American values. This mirrors what we discussed in class…[Read more]
Tiara Hawkins replied to the topic Week 5 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
This week in class we began our discussion about Japanese internment that began in 1942. At one point Dr. Kharputly showed the class an image of some Japanese leaving to concentration camps with smiles on their faces. It appeared that they were going on vacation rather than driven into forced separation. This image shows that same idea. These…[Read more]
Tiara Hawkins replied to the topic Week 4 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
In class we discussed the letter that James Baldwin wrote to his young black nephew. He had to give him the “talk”, which served to warn him of what he would inevitably face due to the color of his skin. This is still relevant today. Black parents have to give their children, especially their black sons, talks about what to do when they get pulled…[Read more]
Tiara Hawkins replied to the topic Week 3 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 4 months ago
This picture shows Beyonce, the first black woman to ever headline Coachella, performing at the festival. During her performances, she used her platform to celebrate black culture. I specifically want to mention how she played a line from one of Malcolm X’s speeches. It was the same speech we listened to in class where he says “The most…[Read more]
Tiara Hawkins replied to the topic Week 2 photo share in the forum
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 5 months ago
This photo, taken by Noel Spirandelli, shows a family holding up a photo of their father in his absence. The image is an advertisement for a documentary series called “Milwaukee 53206” that addresses mass incarceration of black men in Milwaukee. This particular zip code is the most incarcerated zip code in America. The director, Keith McQuirter,…[Read more]
Tiara Hawkins joined the group
Law and Civil Rights (Fall 2018) 6 years, 5 months ago