Name: Nikki Lea Cox

SDCCD College: San Diego City and Mesa Colleges

Major: History

What advice would you give to transfers who are currently at community college?

There’s no reason to not do the PATH program. Adjusting to UCSD’s campus and the quarter system is hard, but completely doable. PATH provides not only the resources and familiarity you need to be successful, but it also provides a colorful group of friends and offers amazing opportunities for networking.

What was your biggest fear about transferring to UC San Diego?

My top 3 worries were about commuting, meeting people, navigating campus & its resources.

What part of your transition was most difficult?

Adjusting to the intensive time requirement involved was challenging. Commuting is also a major challenge.

Why choose the PATH Program?

Why not choose the PATH program? You won’t find another program like this in the Arts and Humanities. They provide everything you need – and then they pay you.

How has the PATH program helped you?

PATH not only provided the tools I needed to make the most out of my time at UCSD, but it also invoked a sense of confidence and helped me to push myself out of my comfort zone.

What was the most difficult part of the PATH Program for you?

The most challenging part of the PATH program was devoting a chunk of summer to the program – but it was well worth it.

What UCSD resources do you find yourself using the most?


What tips would you tell future students about the UC San Diego campus?

Google. Maps. UCSD is difficult to navigate and Google knows where everything is. You can also use UCSD’s map service. Just look up UCSD maps.

What activities or organizations are you involved with on campus? How has it been so far?

I’m still involved with the PATH Program, I was a student mentor for last year’s program.

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