As part of the “Mi Familia, Mi Historia” [My Family, My Story] project on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 I visited Casa Familiar to be part of a doll-making workshop with my peers, staff from Casa and the NCM, and local families. I helped the children record their voices and chatted with them about who their dolls were and what they like to do. A young girl named Sofia was onto making her sixth or seventh doll. She was determined to make as many dols of her family as possible. I was struck by the warm welcome and the trust that the Casa staff and community members gave us.
On Wedneaday, June 30th, Rizz Javier, the artist leading the project visited our class. During the first workshop, I made a doll of myself. This time, I made a doll of my two siblings. A few days prior to the workshop, my siblings had asked me “what color are we?” Such a simply question but so full of meaning. The dolls I have created will help me facilitate conversation and explore questions such as this one, about where we come from and what our story is, with my six-year old brother and my eight-year old sister.