Esmeralda Sarmiento is nineteen years old and was born in Escondido, California. She is a first-generation college student at California State University, San Marcos with an upcoming bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Management. Esmeralda shared her experience as a young Latina who was the first in her family to learn English and attend a four-year University. Esmeralda has a great passion for fashion and creating welcoming environments, which is what she hopes to create in the future for her business endeavors. This interview covers topics such as the first-generation experience, attitudes towards the U.S.-Mexico border, familial responsibilities, and career aspirations. The interview was conducted via Zoom in order to practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The interview was conducted by Marysol Valdez, a second-year Ethnic Studies and Public Policy major at UCSD. Esmeralda’s interview resonated with Marysol’s experiences, as she is also a first-generation college student and found Esmeralda’s narrative uplifting and inspiring.
May 26, 2022
Esmeralda Sarmiento Oral History
About Race and Oral History Project
The Race and Oral History Project is a collaboration between UC San Diego Institute of the Arts and Humanities and the UC San Diego Library.
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