Our center is fortunate to have the following individuals serving on our External Advisory Board. Collectively, these individuals bring tremendous expertise to our group on ADRD, minority aging and health disparities. Together, they advise the San Diego AD-RCMAR on its operations and progress.

Maria Aranda, PhD, MPA, MSW, BSWExecutive Director of the University of Southern California Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging, and Associate Professor of Social Work with a Joint Appointment in the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. She is also a Co-Lead for the USC RCMAR.

Jennifer Manly, PhDPI on the Columbia University AD-RCMAR and Professor of Neuropsychology in Neurology at the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center and the Taub Institute for Research in Aging and Alzheimer’s disease at Columbia University.

Kyriakos (Kokos) Markides, PhDPI on the University of Texas Medical Branch RCMAR; PI of the Hispanic Epidemiological Study of the Elderly, Annie & John Gnitzinger Professor of Aging Studies and Director of the Division of Sociomedical Sciences at the University of Texas.

Sid O’Bryant, PhDProfessor of Pharmacology and Neuroscience and Center for Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Disease Research at the University of North Texas Health Science Center; Executive Director for the UNT Institute for Translational Research; and PI of the HABLE (Health & Aging Brain among Latino Elders) study.