
Lauren Brown, PhD, MPHAssistant Professor, Health Management & Policy, School of Public Health, San Diego State University

Project Title: Examining Cohort Variation in Chronic Stress, Anthropometric, Biological, and Cognitive Function of Black and White Older Adults Across Age Cohorts

Aim 1. Compare Black-white differences in 8-yr trajectories of physical, biological, and cognitive function between young-old (54-79) and long-lived (80+) white and Black older adults to determine patterns across age cohorts.

Aim 2. Assess variation in chronic stress exposure and appraisal as an explanation for race and cohort differences in physical, biological and cognitive function trajectories among young old and long lived Black and white older adults.

Krystal R. Kittle, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Public Health, Social & Behavioral Health, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Project Title: Racial/Ethnically Diverse Sexual and Gender Minority Caregivers of Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

Project Aim. To explore the lived experiences of racial/ethnically diverse SGM ADRD care partners in terms of socioenvironmental, and risk and protective factors related to their health.

Sabrina Smiley, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, San Diego State University

Project Title: A Qualitative Study Designed to Explore the Experience of Social Isolation, Loneliness, and Cognitive Function among Older Black Individuals with Cocaine-Use Disorder (CUD)

Aim 1. How to older Black individuals with CUD reflect on pathways toward cocaine use initiation and changes in cognition? Individual semi-structured interviews will be conducted with 24 participants (12 women; ages 50+ years) in the CURB-2 study.

Aim 2. How do older Black individuals with CUD describe contributors to, consequences, and alleviators of social isolation and loneliness? We will explore health effects related to the role of cocaine use, perceived social support, and social stigma.

Lize Tibiriçá, PsyD, T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, Stein Institute for Research on Aging, UC San Diego, Department of Psychiatry

Project Title: The Effects of Perceived Discrimination and Nativity Status on Cognitive Decline among Hispanic/Latin American Older Adults

Aim 1: Examine the association of perceived discrimination and cognitive decline among Latin American adults.

Aim 2: Determine the effect of nativity status on cognitive decline among Latin Americans.

Aim 3: Analyze the joint effect of perceived discrimination and nativity status on cognitive decline among Latin Americans.


Kacie Deters, PhD, Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology & Physiology, UC Los Angeles

Project Title: Race- and sex-based disparities in cognitive and genetic Alzheimer’s disease risk factors 

Aim 1. Investigate if neuropsychological tests evaluate cognition differentially (a) between Black and White participants, and (b) across race-sex specific groups.

Aim 2. Determine if the relationship between APOE4 and cognition differs between Black women and Black men. 

Ángela Gutiérrez, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Medicine, Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Project Title: Stress Exposure and Cognition among Older Latino Adults: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Psychosocial Resources 

Aim 1. Evaluate the direct relationships between stress exposure and (a) cognitive decline and (b) dementia diagnosis among older Latino adults.

Aim 2. Determine whether psychosocial factors mediate the relationships between stress exposure and (a) cognitive decline and (b) dementia diagnosis among older Latino adults.

Melody K. Schiaffino, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, SDSU School of Public Health

Project Title: Improving identification of Dementia in Cancer Research using Claims Data for Diverse Older Adults 

Aim 1. Conduct a retrospective medical record review of older adults with and without limited English proficiency to characterize variation in clinical validation and administrative coding of an ADRD diagnosis.

Aim 2. Convene a group of experts to achieve consensus on medical record and claims codes that identify ADRD.


Tala Al Rousan, MD, Assistant Professor, The Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, UC San Diego

Project Title: Dementia Risk in Arab Refugees Living in San Diego, CA

Project Aims:

  1. Explore refugees’ perceptions of factors affecting cognitive aging in older Arab refugees in San Diego.
  2. Determine factors affecting identification, and management of dementia in Arab refugees living in San Diego.

Lisa V. Graves, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, California State University San Marcos

Project Title: A novel, actuarial approach to characterizing mild cognitive impairment and its associations with cardiovascular health and psychosocial risk factors in older Latino adults

Project Aims:

  1. Characterize and compare MCI subtypes within our subsamples of older Latino and White adults.
  2. Examine and differentiate the extent to which cardiovascular health and related psychosocial/behavioral risk factors (e.g., stress, poor sleep) predict progression to mild cognitive impairment in older Latino versus White adults.

Humberto Parada, Jr., MPH, PhD, Associate Professor and Division Head, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, SDSU

Project Title: Cancer Treatment and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in U.S. Veterans

Project Aims:

  1. Identify specific systemic cancer treatment types, doses, and durations associated with long-term risk of AD and related dementias.
  2. Identify subgroups of patients by race/ethnicity who are at increased long-term risk of AD and related dementias.

Ariana Stickel, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Neurosciences, UC San Diego

Project Title: Examination of the Latinx Health Paradox in Cognition: Results from the Study of Latinos – Investigation of Neurocognitive Aging (SOL-INCA)

Project Aims:

  1. To examine the direct associations between acculturation and cardiovascular risk factors (CVDRFs).
  2. Examine and characterize the effects of acculturation and CVDRFs on cognition.
  3. Examine competing mechanisms linking acculturation and CVDRFs to cognition.

Zvinka Zlatar, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, UC San Diego

Project Title: Investigation of the Differential Benefits of Leisure Time versus Work-Related Physical Activity on Neurocognition and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Hispanics Aging with HIV

Project Aims:

  1. Determine whether type of physical activity differs by ethnic group among older PLWH.
  2. Determine whether type of physical activity (i.e., leisure time physical activity and work-related physical activity) is differentially associated with neurocognitive function among older PLWH.
  3. Determine whether type of physical activity (i.e., leisure time physical activity and work-related physical activity) is differentially associated with CVD risk among older PLWH.


Monica M. Diaz, MD, MS, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine

Project Title: Neurocognitive Impairment, CSF Biomarkers and Tau Burden in Hispanic People Living with HIV and Possible Early Alzheimer’s Disease

Alejandra Morlett Paredes, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Neuroscience, UC San Diego

Project Title: Perceptions and Attitudes by Hispanic Older Adults about Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Humberto Parada, Jr., MPH, PhD, Associate Professor and Division Head, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, SDSU

Project Title: Serum Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Cognitive Function in Older Adults from the Rancho Bernardo Study of Healthy Aging


María J. Marquine, PhD, Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry, UC San Diego

Project Title: Stress and Neurocognitive Aging among Hispanics/Latinos: Biological Pathways

Melody Schiaffino, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, SDSU

Project Title: Characterizing the Quality of Care for Cancer Patients with Co-occurring Dementia

Priscila Vasquez Guevara, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Public Health, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

Project Title: Tailored Approach to Investigating Cognitive Resilience: Mental Activities and Physical Activity