About Allegra Swift

Allegra Swift is the UC San Diego Library’s Scholarly Communications Librarian. She spends her days infusing research and scholarship support with critlib, digital citizenship, and digital literacy ideals.

Another Elsevier journal editorial board leaves over access disputes

Inside Higher Ed article describes actions by Journal of Informetrics editors:

Editorial Mutiny at Elsevier Journal

“Following in the footsteps of linguistics journal Lingua, the editorial board of the Elsevier-owned Journal of Informetrics has resigned and launched a rival journal that will be free for all to read.” By Lindsay McKenzie January 14, 2019

Checkout the new journal launched today, Quantitative Science Studies.!

“The entire editorial board of the Elsevier-owned Journal of Informetrics resigned Thursday in protest over high open-access fees, restricted access to citation data and commercial control of scholarly work.”

One of our own won the inaugural 2019 California Young Book Collector’s Prize

Matthew is committed not only to providing access to his award winning collection related to his PhD research, but is intent on inspiring other scholars to actively participate in open access. He is an active member of several working groups in the library, one the library’s student advisory group and the Scholarly Communications Working Group. We’re thrilled that Matthew Wills’ collection will be on display at the 52nd California International Antiquarian Book Fair, February 8-10, 2019. #openaccess @ABAA49

“First place was awarded to Matthew Wills, of [UC San Diego], whose collection is on the theme of “Anti-Confucian Propaganda in Mao’s China”. In Matthew’s words:  “[As an] historian and bibliographer, I research the history of book publishing and propaganda in Chairman Mao’s China. In particular, I study books that show the Communist state’s hostility to China’s Confucian traditions.” For a time the state-controlled publishers printed “hundreds of propaganda books critiquing Confucian ideas”, and it is these primary source materials which constitute the foundation of Matthew’s collection, which has approximately 700 unique items, including editions in different languages, comic books, and even five volumes printed in Braille.” Northern California Chapter of the Antiquarian Bookseller’s Association of America announcement 

Liu Xiazhi Denounces Old Kong Number 2.

ELpub Conference CFP due 2019 Jan 21

The call for papers for Elpub conference that will take place in Marseille, France, June 2-4 2019. The deadline for submitting abstracts is the 21st of January. The topic of the conference this year is bibliodiversity. I’d heartily recommend going and not just because it’s in France.

Image from https://elpub2019.hypotheses.org/134

Historic and Scientific Publications from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography now available OA via the HathiTrust Digital Library

By Amy Butros, @ucsdlibrary Subject Specialist for Earth and Marine Sciences and @Scripps_Ocean Liaison.

The HathiTrust Digital Library is a digital preservation repository with content from a large number of international partners, libraries, institutions, including Google and the Internet Archive. University of California is one of the HathiTrust partners collaborating to improve access to and promote preservation of scholarly materials both digital and print, in a variety of formats.

The UC San Diego Library’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography Collection is the second largest collection in HathiTrust, containing over 111,350 items, books, technical reports, and series in oceanography, earth & marine sciences, plus Scripps Institution of Oceanography publications, with over 21,050 items available open access (OA), full text online viewing and downloading.

Recently, after processing of copyright permission, via a Creative Commons license, a large collection of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) created and produced publications became available as OA.  These SIO publications, currently over 500 volumes, are mainly series such as annual reports, technical reports, the SIO Bulletin, plus books covering the significant accomplishments of the institution and evolution of oceanography.  These SIO publications are now available for full text access, with the number of items in the SIO Collection growing when authors and publishing groups, rights holders, allow access to their publications by completing the HathiTrust Creative Commons Declaration Form.

This collection includes the highly cited historic publication: Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the popular series containing landmark papers and technical reports, SIO Reference Series, plus many data rich reports such as the California Coastal Data Collection Program, and the SIO Center for Coastal Studies’ Cruise Reports.


More OA Pathways: The Elsevier Chapter

Collecting and updating the public news about Elsevier negotiations and possible exit, with a University of California focus.

Key Resources:

  1. Update on the UC’s Negotiations with Academic Journal Publishers and Potential Impacts in January 2019

  2. UC and Elsevier FAQhttps://osc.universityofcalifornia.edu/open-access-at-uc/publisher-negotiations/journal-negotiations-faqs/
  3. UC alternative access informationhttps://osc.universityofcalifornia.edu/open-access-at-uc/publisher-negotiations/alternative-access-to-articles/
  4. UC San Diego alternative access informationhttps://ucsd.libguides.com/elsevier


UC IS LEADING THE FIGHT FOR OPEN ACCESS TO RESEARCH, OpEd by UC San Diego’s faculty member, Eric Bakovic on December 30, 2018 in the The Mercury News (San Jose, CA) Authors: Eric Bakovic, Christopher M. Kelty and Karen Ottemann . UCSD access to OpEd through database subscriptions.

2018-12-30 International alignment across open access initiatives, funders and research organisations for a complete and immediate open access

There is an “urgent need to accelerate the transition to open access.” This post lists scholarly communications initiatives and developments regarding Elsevier led by the University of California.

2018-12-20 Elsevier willing to compensate editors to prevent them from ‘flipping’

“With Plan S rapidly approaching the editorial boards of some journals are considering leaving the paywalled journals at major publishing houses and ‘flip’ their journal to open access. To prevent editors from leaving, Elsevier now appears to be willing to pay editors considerable yearly amounts to stay on.”

2018-12-19 Max Planck Digital Library to discontinue the Society’s Elsevier subscription

“The Max Planck Society, one of the world’s largest research performing organizations, counting 14,000 scientists who publish 12K new research articles a year—around 1500 of which in Elsevier journals, has mandated the Max Planck Digital Library to discontinue the Society’s Elsevier subscription when the current agreement expires on December 31, 2018.

With this move the Society joins nearly 200 universities and research institutions in Germany who have already cancelled their individual agreements with Elsevier and affirmed their support of the national-level Projekt DEAL negotiations seeking transformative agreements as a strategy to drive large scale transition of scholarly publishing to open access.

As no sustainable offer meeting DEAL’s fundamental criteria for transformation has been forthcoming, negotiations are suspended and Elsevier cut off access last July. Despite the immediate implication of lack of access to new Elsevier content from January 1, 2019, the Max Planck Society’s researchers and highest level administration provided their full support in the decision. “DEAL is fully in line with the objectives of the OA2020 Initiative, which is strongly supported by the Max Planck Society,” emphasized MPS President Martin Stratmann.” Read the full press release here– Max Planck Digital Library

2018-12-19 UC San Diego post  Update on the UC’s Negotiations with Academic Journal Publishers and Potential Impacts in January 2019

CC-BY-NC 4.0 Allegra Swift. 2018

UC Libraries Journal Negotiations: FAQs

2018-12-12  In Talks With Elsevier, UCLA Reaches for a Novel Bargaining Chip: Its Faculty  – Faculty asked to suspend peer review.

2018-12-07 In UC’s battle with the world’s largest scientific publisher, the future of information is at stake. By Michael Hiltzik

Feb 7, 2019 is Academic-Led Publishing Day #ALPubDay

Academic-Led Publishing Day is a global digital event to foster discussions about how members of the scholarly community can develop and support academic-led publishing initiatives. Academic-Led publishing refers to scholarly publishing initiatives wherein one or more academic organizations control decisions pertaining to copyright, distribution, and publishing infrastructure. The goal of Academic-Led Publishing Day is to create an open dialogue about academic-led publishing programs and funding models – both current and potential – and to raise awareness about the roles and capabilities of different stakeholders in this space. The day will consist of virtual and in-person events, social media discussions, and a collection of blog posts and relevant resources.

What are you going to publish #UCSD? How can Scholarly Communication at the Library help?

OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians

Looking forward to reading this #OER guide! Especially the chapters on intersections of #scholcomm and #infolit, and social justice.

Wesolek, Andrew; Lashley, Jonathan; and Langley, Anne, “OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians” (2018). Pacific University Press. 3.


We intend this book to act as a guide writ large for would-be champions of OER, that anyone—called to action by the example set by our chapter authors—might serve as guides themselves. The following chapters tap into the deep experience of practitioners who represent a meaningful cross section of higher education institutions in North America. It is our hope that the examples and discussions presented by our authors will facilitate connections among practitioners, foster the development of best practices for OER adoption and creation, and more importantly, lay a foundation for novel, educational excellence.

Also useful for advocacy is the SPARC page on successful OER adoption models by academic libraries.

CFP for the Florida OER Summit 2019 Poster Session

The Florida OER Summit Executive Advisory Committee is pleased to invite proposal submissions for the OER Summit 2019 Poster Session.  The 2019 summit will be held February 27th and 28th at the Sheraton Orlando North (600 North Lake Destiny Rd., Maitland, FL 32751) and is designed for attendees to learn how to implement the use of OER at their college or university.  Accepted posters will be featured during the evening reception of the first day.

Topics of interest for this year’s summit:

1.      How institutions implemented and organized OER through grants, partnerships, etc.

2.      Staff and Faculty OER training

3.      How to locate and organize library OER resources

4.      How to locate peer reviewed ancillaries

5.      Develop ancillary materials to track OER usage

6.      Key instructional design issues related to the development of OER courses

We encourage submissions to include handouts, resources, and a better understanding of how to implement OER within attendee’s institutions. Poster proposals will be due on January 11, 2019Submissions will be received online.

If you have any questions about the proposal process or summit please contact Rebel Cummings-Sauls, rsauls@flvc.org.  We are seeking vendors or organizations interested in sponsoring the 2019 Summit.

Consider registering early as we anticipate increased participation from last year.

UMN Libraries launches an OA journal, Public Health Review

An impressive new open access journal offers publishing opportunities for students. The Public Health Review is a student-led, peer reviewed, open access public health journal that is published by the University of Minnesota Libraries.

All graduate students, undergraduate students with high-quality work, alumni, and professionals with a public health perspective are invited to submit content to this Journal that highlights or focuses on a public health topic or issue.

Common topics include: Health Policy, Public Health Practice, Public Health Medicine, Epidemiology, Biological statistics, Community Health, Environmental Health, Global Health, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Toxicology, and Emergency Care.

2018 Editorial Board, From left to right Emily Nagel (Copy Editor), Kellen Schalter (Marketing Editor), Fadzai Manungo (Founding Co-Executive Editor), Amelia Harju (Founding Co-Executive Editor), Mariana Tuttle (Managing Editor), Allison Danish (Production Editor). Not pictured: Kelsey Schertz (Copy Editor).

Scalar Workshop at CSU Dominguez Hills, February 26, 2019 from 10AM-1:00PM

CSU Dominguez Hills will be holding a Scalar workshop for interested librarians and faculty members. If you are unfamiliar with Scalar ( @anvcscalar ‏) it is a free, open source publishing platform for creating born-digital scholarship. Developed by the Alliance for Networking Visual Culture at USC, Scalar is, as noted on their website, “designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online. Scalar enables users to assemble media from multiple sources and juxtapose them with their own writing in a variety of ways, with minimal technical expertise required.” An introduction to Scalar could be beneficial for any librarian supporting faculty in the creation of digital scholarship.

The workshop is free (parking excepted), and lunch will be served. Space is limited, and so if you are interested in attending, please contact Dana Ospina  @dsospina ) at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to forward to faculty on your campuses. Thank you, and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions!

Scalar Workshop with Curtis Fletcher, Associate Director, Ahmanson Lab, Sidney Harman Academy for Polymathic Study, USC Libraries

  • February 26, 10AM-1:00PM
  • The University Library, CSU Dominguez Hills
  • Carson, CA 90747

Dana Ospina 

Digital Initiatives Librarian

University Library

CSU Dominguez Hills | Carson, CA 90747