Publishing Opportunity in Linguistics: L2 Journal from UC Berkeley

So excited for this new series from the UC Office of Scholarly Communication series, Open MIc. Open Mic is a new, informal interview series with editors of open access journals.

L2 Journal editors on the rapidly growing field of applied linguistics, the challenges of transhumanism, and the power of open access.

In this Open Mic interview with UC Berkeley’s L2 Journal of applied linguistics, we spoke with founder, General Editor, and Professor of German Claire Kramsch; Managing Editor and French Department PhD student Emily Linares; and Mark Kaiser, Associate Director of the Berkeley Language Center, which sponsors the journal, and creator of the BLC Library of Foreign Language Film Clips. (The original sponsor of L2 Journal was the UC Consortium for Language Learning & Teaching.)

L2 Journal is an open access, fully refereed, interdisciplinary journal that aims to promote the research and the practice of language learning and teaching. The journal is published on the eScholarship platform, available free of charge (for readers and authors) on the internet. and supported by the Berkeley Language Center.

The Week in Review 2018-07-13

Oppose an Amendment to Decrease Funding for NEH!

Late last night [July 17, 2018], the House began consideration of the Grothman amendment, which would cut the budget of the NEH by 15% or nearly $23 million.

This afternoon [July 18, 2018], the House of Representatives will consider an amendment to the FY 2019 Interior Appropriations bill that would cut the budget of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) by 15% or nearly $23 million.

If we can defeat this amendment, the House will then proceed with a vote on an Interior Appropriations bill that will increase the NEH’s budget by $2 million.

Call or write your Representative to oppose this amendment. Learn more about the amendment to reduce NEH funding here.



LPForum2018 slides, videos, & reflections. Bonus: LPForum2019 news

Shared by Matt Ruen, Grand Valley State University and Chair of LPF Program Committee

This year’s Library Publishing Forum (May 21-23, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) was a huge success, with:

Enormous thanks are due to our hosts, our sponsors, the Library Publishing Coalition Program Committee (listed below), and the library publishing community for making this our best Library Publishing Forum ever!

Slides and Recordings Available

Presenter slides and recordings from our video livestream are now available on the Forum program page and on the preconference page.


We invited a number of community members to write reflections on the Forum and/or the preconference, and had a great response! Check out the following posts on the LPC Blog:

Still to come: reflections from the 2017-19 LPC Fellows and the LPC-AUPresses Cross-Pollination Award recipients. Keep an eye on the LPC Blog and our Twitter account!

2019 Library Publishing Forum

Join us May 8-10, 2019, in Vancouver, British Columbia for the 2019 Library Publishing Forum! Our first Forum in Canada, it will be hosted by LPC member institution Simon Fraser University at their Harbour Centre campus in downtown Vancouver.

2020 Library Publishing Forum

Interested in hosting the Forum on your campus? Check out our call for proposals, open through August 31, 2018.

About the Library Publishing Forum

The Library Publishing Forum is an annual conference bringing together representatives from libraries engaged in (or considering) publishing initiatives to define and address major questions and challenges; to identify and document collaborative opportunities; and to strengthen and promote this community of practice. The Forum includes representatives from a broad, international spectrum of academic library backgrounds, as well as groups that collaborate with libraries to publish scholarly works, including publishing vendors, university presses, and scholars. The Forum is sponsored by the Library Publishing Coalition, but you do not need to be a member of the LPC to attend.



International Journal of Open Educational Resources (IJOER) will be freely accessible via our upcoming website, with article submissions available through an online portal. We are very excited to contribute to the OER movement with our new journal.

Call for Proposals and to recruit Editorial Board Members

Initial goals are to:
-build an Editorial Board made up of international leaders in OER
-solicit article submissions for our upcoming fall 2018 issue.

A brief description of the International Journal of Open Education Resources (IJOER)



The following notice was sent by Carmen MItchell, Scholarly Communication Librarian at California State University San Marcos

Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (JLSC) seeks a Reviews Co-Editor to continue and expand a program of reviewing scholarship, platforms and tools, and programs and courses whose subject matter is directly connected to the publication scope of JLSC. The Reviews Co-Editor will serve a four-year term (2018-2022), staggered with the other Co-Editor, Carmen Mitchell, Scholarly Communication Librarian at California State University, San Marcos (2017-2021).

Call for applications by August 17, 2018 for JLSC Reviews Co-Editor

JLSC is currently accepting applications for a Reviews Co-Editor to continue and expand a program of reviewing scholarship, platforms and tools, and programs and courses  whose subject matter is directly connected to the publication scope of JLSC. See “More Announcements” for the full call.




Open Access Week is shaping up at the UC San Diego Library




Open Access Psychology Publishing Opportunites

This caught our eye as we look for #openaccess publishing opportunities with #low2noAPC

PsychOpen – The European Open-Access Publishing Platform for Psychology

PsychOpen is operated by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information and publishes open-access content in the field of psychology on behalf of professional bodies, institutions and learned societies to foster the visibility of psychological research. PsychOpen welcomes a variety of publication types: journals, monographs, clinical reports, etc. from all areas of psychology and its related disciplines including scholarly as well as professional topics. PsychOpen is free of charge to authors and readers.

Read more about PsychOpen and about the journals published by PsychOpen.

PhD candidate takes advantage of UC San Diego publishing partnerships

The UC San Diego Library is engaged in another recent partnership to leverage publishing opportunities for our campus that support sustainable Open Access publishing. We are seeing engagement as we get notices from the publisher about our authors recent OA publications.

Image credit: The Great Flood of 1927 by Gil Cohen. National Guard, U.S. Govt. work

Ned Randolph published “River Activism, “Levees-Only” and the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927” DOI: in Media and Communication published by Cogitatio Press. Not only does he retain copyright and licenses his work with Creative Commons license, but he has seen 240 views and 29 downloads since publishing in open access on February 9, 2018! That’s 29 downloads in three days!!

Ned Randolph is a Communication Studies PhD candidate at the University of California, San Diego.

UC San Diego 2nd highest usage of any institution in North America and 7th highest usage worldwide!

As part of UC San Diego Library’s ongoing support for Open Access, the library pledges funds to “unlatch” books in partnership with Knowledge Unlatched. We are more than pleased to learn that our support has made some impact!

From @KUnlatched Publicity & Communications:

Knowledge Unlatched presents its Open Access Heroes 2018 Berlin, 12th February 2018. Knowledge Unlatched (KU) has released its OpenAccess Heroes for 2017. The “KU Heroes” for 2017, including those institutions worldwide where the highest usage of KU titles in 2017 was recorded. UC San Diego saw the second highest usage of any institution in North America and the seventh highest usage worldwide (based on downloads from the OAPEN and JSTOR platforms)!KU_Heroes_2018

Check back with KU as they will be announcing the title lists for KU Select 2018 at the end of April, including books and journals not only in HSS but also in STEM for the first time. They’ll also be launching new partnerships with Luminos (University of California Press), OpenEdition (French language content), HAU Books (Anthropology) and Open Commons of Phenomenology (Philosophy).