UC San Diego is a FSCI 2018 Partner

UC San Diego is now a FSCI partner. Our Vice Chancellor for Research, Sandra A. Brown sent the campus a message today:

“Members of the UC San Diego community are invited to attend the second
FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Summer Institute (FSCI2018) being
hosted by the UC San Diego Library, July 30 – August 3, 2018 at the MET
Building.  All UC San Diego community members will receive a $150
tuition discount. UC San Diegans should check your email from the VC on April 17, 2018 for the discount code or contact us for more info.

Image credit: Geisel Library, CC-BY 4.0 Allegra Swift

Scientific and Scholarly Communication is in the middle of a system-wide disruption.  These changes have affected every aspect of research, from its practice, to its administration, to its use. There are new forms of
publication, new standards and expectations, new ways of measuring and demonstrating success, new challenges and pitfalls.  At the FSCI, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the latest trends and
gain expertise in new technologies in research flow, new forms of publication, new standards and expectations, and new ways of measuring and demonstrating success that are transforming science and scholarship.

All levels of participant, from absolute beginners to those advanced at scholarly communication, will find courses of interest.  If you are a scholar/researcher, librarian, institution administrator, fund manager,
publishing administrator/editor, data manager, student, or anyone else
who participates in scholarly communication, you will benefit from
attending FSCI. You can review the complete course list here. To register please click.”
UC San Diegans should check your email from the VC on April 17, 2018 for the discount code or contact us for more info.

Using Bibliometrics and Altmetrics to Communicate Your Scholarly and Research Impact

Using Bibliometrics and Altmetrics to Communicate Your Scholarly and Research Impact 

Links to METRICS WORKSHOP 2-7-2018 slides and guide.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018 |10:00 – 11:30 am (11:30 -12:00 hands-on)

Scholars and researchers, academic departments, and universities increasingly are asked to disclose the impact of their research to external funders, for promotion and tenure review, and to measure against their peers. While the practice of measuring research impact isn’t new, the availability of new tools and methods of communication has proliferated in recent years. In this workshop, you will learn about these available metrics tools, both “traditional” (like Web of Science) and “alternative” (like Altmetric), how to incorporate these into telling the story of your research impact, and learn some of the ways you can increase your visibility as a scholar. We’ll cover a variety of metrics methods and tools that allow for the communication of impact across the disciplines.

CDL Visit to UC San Diego Library – Everything Wanted to Know about eScholarship

Join discussions and opportunities to make eScholarship https://escholarship.org/  work for you, your department, your program. The California Digital Library’s https://www.cdlib.org/ Publications & Engagement Manager, Monica Westin and eScholarship Operations Coordinator, Justin Gondor will be on hand to present, answer questions, and field requests..

Friday, March 2, 2018 at 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM. – Biomed Library Bldg. Events Room

  • 12:00 – 1:30 Part one: learn how eScholarship can work for you, your department/program
    • UCSD Health Nursing as an example (site hierarchy, CMS editing, issues that have arisen), Help center (Justin & Monica), Publishing (Monica)
    • Google analytics
    • Altmetrics
    • Other features on the way – high level (Justin)
    • OA policy/Elements (Justin)
  • 1:30 – 2:30 Deep dive into eScholarship for admins and super users
    • ORCID (Lisa Schiff – Zooming in)
    • Citations and other features on the way – detailed (Justin)
    • Submission form navigation (Monica & Justin)
  • Office hours 3:00 – 4:00pm
    • Audience – by appt

RSVP for the section you’d like to attend (UC San Diego attendees only)

Questions? scholcomm [at] ucsd [dot] edu